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I Have Dreamed is a romance song that was sung by Tuptim and Prince Chulalongkorn and the sixth song of the 1999 animated film, The King and I.


Prince Chulalongkorn:
I have dreamed that your arms are lovely,
I have dreamed what a joy you'll be.
I have dreamed every word you whisper.
When you're close,
Close to me.

How you look in the glow of evening
I have dreamed and enjoyed the view.
In these dreams I've loved you so
That by now I think I know
What it's like to be loved by you,
I will love being loved by you.

Alone and awake I've looked at the stars,
The same that smile on you.
And time and again I've thought all the things
That you were thinking too.

I have dreamed that your arms are lovely,
I have dreamed what a joy you'll be.
I have dreamed every word you whisper.
When you're close,
Close to me.

How you look in the glow of evening
I have dreamed and enjoyed the view.
In these dreams I've loved you so
(Prince Chulalongkorn: I these dreams I loved you so)
That by now I think I know.

What it's like to be loved by you.
I will love being loved by you.



  • The jade green brick road which Tuptim and Chulalongkorn are walking on is similar to the golden Yellow Brick Road from the 1939 musical film, The Wizard of Oz.

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Richard Rich - The King and I - Transparent Logo
The King and I (Soundtrack)The King and I Animated Thinking Adventure
Anna LeonowensLouis LeonowensKing MongkutMoonsheeRamaTuskerPrince ChulalongkornTuptimThe Royal ChildrenKralahomeMaster LittleSir Edward Ramsey
I Whistle a Happy TuneHello, Young LoversGetting to Know YouShall I Tell You What I Think of You?A PuzzlementI Have DreamedPrayer to BuddhaShall We Dance?
The Royal PendantThe Magic Gong